Yolift Yoga Barre Pilates Massage
We are a synergistic training OASIS where the Strong Get Centered & the Centered get Strong.
UNITING DIVERSE training modalities, improves MOBILITY, STABILITY, FLEXIBILITY, BALANCE, STRENGTH & FOCUS. This holistic, balanced approach reduces injuries and improves performance.

Policies/Waivers(please sign prior to attending class or session):
Cancelation/Package Policy
Classes: 5:45am classes must be canceled the night before*. All other classes can be canceled 1/2 hour prior to the start of class.
Privates: 24 hour cancelation or charged session.
Class No-Shows will be charged class plus $10.00
*We are a small studio and realize that emergencies arise where you may have to cancel class. Please text us if you run into a situation and need to cancel.
No package transfers- Once a package is bought, they cannot be transferred between other packages or private sessions.
Private Session Expiration Dates: Once a private package is purchased and the first session is used, the 5 pack sessions must be used within a 3 month period. 10 packs must be used in a 6 month period. All purchased private packs without use expire after 6 months.
Unlimited packs: If you are on an unlimited plan you cannot cancel midway through the term. If canceled prior to the completion of your pack term, there will be a $200 cancelation fee applied.
Class size: Class will be canceled for attendance under 2 people.
Schedule: Keep your eye on our schedule for changes.
Parking: Please park on the road side of bridge facing house or road. Overflow parking can park next to house in designated parking spots. Do not block the pathway to upper studios.
Equipment: Mats REQUIRED in ALL Classes. Mat rental is $5.00 per mat. If Renting a mat, please wipe down after use. We steam clean our equipment weekly but please wipe down equipment after each use. We have paper towels and spray cleaner available.
Water: Always bring water to class. We will have water bottles for sale for $1.50 per bottle.
Bathrooms: We have a porta potty on site.
Prior to and after each workout, please sanitize hands. Feel free to wear a mask if you are not comfortable. Please spray and wipe down all equipment after use. Before attending class, please sign and date the waiver below.
Do not come to class with a fever, cough or any other symptoms that could spread disease.
If you have recently had surgery or are seeing a Dr. for a chronic condition, please provide a doctors note.